Are Mushrooms the Fountain of Youth?

Mushrooms boost your immunity and have protein

Do you like mushrooms? 

They are one of those foods that people like, or don’t like. You are a mushroom fan or you are not. I have definitely been in the “not a fan” category for a long time.

Then I read Dr. Greger’s book How Not to Die and one of his recommendations was to eat mushrooms regularly. 

I thought I would give them another try.

I still don’t love mushrooms, but I can eat them. It is all about the texture. I don’t like mushy food and mushrooms, well, they even sound mushy.

A new study from Penn State says that mushrooms contain two anti-oxidants that may reduce cellular aging due to oxidation processes. 

Mushrooms are the fountain of youth? 

Maybe not, but they have the highest levels of these two compounds. Professor Robert Beelman, from Penn State Plant and Mushroom Products for Health says, 

“What we found is that, without a doubt, mushrooms are the highest dietary source of these two antioxidants taken together, and that some types are really packed with both of them,”

​I realize that an organization called Plant and Mushroom Products for Health may have a reason for promoting mushroom consumption, but another study on the effects of eating white button mushrooms found that they improve your gut anti-bodies by 50% after one week of eating mushrooms

People with reduced immunity, or those of us who want a little boost, may want to consider regular consumption of mushrooms.

It appears that whether you like them, or not, mushrooms may be in fact, good for you.

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