Longevity Book Review: Part 2 The Mental Aspect

photo of older woman doing push-ups

The mental aspects of longevity involve our thoughts and feelings about ageing and how society treats ageing. The two books reviewed here explore our thoughts about ageing and how this affects our abilities.

Is Cardiovascular Disease Contagious?

Model of a heart

Our spouse influences our health. If your spouse has hypertension you are more likely to as well. But does that mean our significant other influences our health or does it mean we choose partners that share our habits, for better or worse?

Is Exercise the Secret to Healthy Ageing for Men?

Aging presents a unique set of challenges, but with the right knowledge and habits, it is possible to embrace the aging process and enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life. As men age a common concern is prostate health. Improving fitness can make the difference to your health.

One Powerful Way Women Can Age Better

A study of almost 50,000 women with an average age of 48 years old has some powerful news about dietary protein.

When it comes to healthy ageing, nothing beats plants.

3 Easy Tips to Reduce Dietary Fat

Man with pizza measuring his waist circumference.

By reducing fat in your diet, you can improve your overall well-being, maintain your weight and prevent disease. Here are three strategies and tips on how to achieve this. From making smarter food choices to cooking techniques that can significantly reduce fat content

Put Your Health on the Menu: Eat Less Fat

Various types of fast food

Want to have a healthier lifestyle? One of the key factors to consider is your fat intake. Consuming excess amounts of fat can lead to various health problems, such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Two new studies have shown how reducing dietary fat, even from plant-based sources, can improve our health.