The Life-Changing Power of Mental Fitness

Mature woman meditating

When it comes to improving our health, mental fitness is often overlooked. Our understanding of mental health issues has improved, which is important, but what about mental fitness? This is the proactive approach, preventative medicine. Reinforcing well-being, like physical fitness, requires practice. How often have you thought “Why can’t I stop doing this?” or “Why can’t I stop eating too …

Weekend Warrior or 3-Second Workout?

Are you a weekend warrior? Or do you try to exercise regularly? To get the best benefits from your exercise routine, how often should you exercise? Does it matter? The answer to every exercise question is “it depends” including how often should I exercise? New research shows that 3 seconds of exercise has benefits…I am not totally convinced about this, …

How to Use Exercise to Fight Inflammation

Inflammation is not all bad. It is a normal response to infection and stress. While necessary to fight disease and injury, it becomes a problem when inflammation is chronic. However, exercise can help us fight inflammation as associate professor and York University Research Chair Ali Abdul Sater explains, “Inflammation is amazing, it’s a very important part of our normal immune …

Running keeps the connections strong

Exercise is good for your body and your brain. This should not be a surprise, but even some experts don’t understand the important connection between physical and mental health. By mental health, I mean your brain. A new study highlights the mental benefits of running through middle age. Lifelong exercise shows significant benefits for ageing brains. It may even prevent …

Which comes first, diet or exercise?

This is a question I am asked all the time. When it comes to changing your health, it depends. It depends on one factor only. But before we get to that, let me explain. Clients often come to me because they are tired of feeling tired. Tired of having no energy, being uncomfortable or in pain, and feeling unwell. One …

More muscle reduces inflammation

Older couple doing push-ups

Muscle and health A new study published in January reinforces the importance of resistance training as we get older. Resistance training is not only important to maintain strength, balance, coordination and endurance, but it is also important for reducing inflammation associated with chronic diseases. Aging and age-related diseases are associated with low-grade inflammation. Researchers wanted to know if resistance training …

More news about maintaining muscle and protein

More news about maintaining muscle mass and protein consumption to keep you healthy and eating well. Protein and ageing One common misconception about ageing is that we need more protein to maintain muscle mass. It seems reasonable to believe that eating a higher protein diet will be protective against muscle loss. Muscle loss, or sarcopenia, leads to more injuries, falls, …