Vegan Apricot Cake

A light German-style coffee cake that can be made with apricots, peaches, plums or other fruit. INGREDIENTS: 1 cup applesauce 1/2 cup natural sugar 1/2 cup water 1/3 cup of organic canola oil 2 1/4 cups organic all-purpose flour 4 tsp baking powder 15-20 small ripe apricots sliced in half, pit removed DIRECTIONS: Preheat the oven to 350°F Mix applesauce, …

How to be a quitter

An underlying theme coming out of the last year is quitting. More people are quitting their jobs and their old habits. There are many examples such as the ones here and here and here. “Back to normal” isn’t better Quitting what doesn’t work is not failure. If we didn’t learn anything from being forced to examine our lives that would …

5 Dietary Habits for Better Brain Health

In their latest book about brain health Drs and neurologists, Dean and Ayesha Sherzai explore the best ways to eliminate or slow the rate of cognitive decline. The 30 Day Alzheimer’s Solution explores the latest evidence from neuroscience and medicine while sharing the practical lifestyle habits that can make the biggest difference when it comes to keeping your brain active …

3 Unbelievable Myths About Fitness and Age

These three myths about ageing can prevent you from getting fit. I’m too old / It’s too late to change It’s not possible to build muscle as you get older Injuries occur more easily 1. “I’m too old” There is a lot of noise on the internet that encourages this type of thinking, even some of it from “health” professionals. …

3 years younger in 8 weeks

It only takes 8 weeks of simple diet and lifestyle changes to reduce biological age by 3 years. A study published last week has provided scientific evidence that lifestyle makes a difference. The study was small, it only included 43 healthy men between the ages of 50-72 years old. It also included nutritional supplements, which we know are not as …

All work, no play, is a health risk

Working long hours, regardless of the reason, comes with a price. Whether it is trying to survive in the gig economy, working from home, constantly zooming. Work has become part of our life everywhere at any time. There is a problem with spending too much time working. It is deadly. Too much work is a health risk The World Health …

Sleep is Good For Everything

Recommended Reading. I have listened to Matthew Walker’s, PhD, Why We Sleep many times. The first time I slept through much of it. This was encouraged by the author and the narrator has a great falling to sleep to voice. Then a friend gave me a hard copy and I have read that too. Sometimes when I can’t fall asleep …

Protein, the miracle cure

Protein, if you believe the hype, is the miracle cure that will solve all your problems. Hungry? Eat more protein. Want to lose weight? You probably need more protein. Want to improve performance? Protein. Need to build muscle? Just add protein. No matter what the dietary question, currently the answer is protein. The cure for everything is protein Fat and …

It’s not you. It’s your goals.

Have you ever felt badly about not reaching your goals? You are not alone. But, it is not you, it’s your goals. Goals aren’t necessarily all bad But they aren’t the answer to everything either. Let’s take the following example, Person X has spent the last 20 years sitting at a desk, they were fit in their 20s when they …

The soul destroying myth of motivation

Surfer riding a wave

According to Psychology Today motivation is “the desire to act in service of a goal.” That is probably true, but there are a few critical components missing when it comes to understanding our own motivations. When it comes to the definition of motivation there are a few things missing including, Which goal? Why? When? We are motivated by many things …