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Welcome and thank you joining the evolution! 

Evolution Coaching U is on a mission to help you be healthy, get fit and have fun all to be your personal best.

Have more energy, sleep well and feel younger, with easy changes you can start today. Get healthy for a lifetime of benefits starting with simple changes to your diet. A plant-based diet can help you prevent disease, lose weight and improve your fitness.

Nutrition and fitness plans to make it easier for you to make healthy changes. Moutain Fit camps and retreats to see even more great results with people just like you. We help you change your health.

No fads, no supplements no trendy exercise programs. Health and fitness for life. We help adults just like you change their health at any age or any stage of life.

Don’t put limits on your life. Start at any age. 

Thanks Shayla! I didn’t believe that I could lose 50 pounds, get off my all my medications and start riding a bike after all these years. It was easier then I could imagine.Steve
Everything we do at Evolution Coaching U is designed to help you make lifestyle changes that last. Changes that help you be your personal best. At any age and any stage you can improve your health, your fitness and your well-being.
We only use evidence based training methods, proven nutrition strategies and the wellness tools to help you thrive. Be your best for life. Start with your vision for change and start living your best life.

There Are
ways to start

Start living your best life today.

Eat better, live better and feel better.

Do you want to be your best at any age? Tired of feeling old and tired? You can make healthy changes at any age. It is not too late to put yourself on the "to-do list". Start looking better and feeling better right now.

Sign up to start changing how you feel about your age today!

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