Use it or lose it?
It depends. New research shows that muscle memory is a remarkable thing. If you have gained muscle at any time in your life, your muscle’s control centre, the nuclei, will never disappear.
You can never lose your muscle.
Muscle cells are so tightly packed together that even when the muscle atrophies and seems to disappear, it hasn’t really.
Muscles are unique.
Muscles, bones and heart cells are tightly packed together, functioning as one unit called a syncytium. They are a special kind of tissue where the cells become fused together.
Which is great news!
You only lose it until you use it again.
Your brain is different.
When researchers studied endurance masters athletes between the ages of 50-80 who were training regularly something happened to their brain’s when they stopped exercising for ten days.
The blood flow to their brain’s reduced significantly after 10 days, affecting areas of the brain responsible for memory and learning.
Our body is designed to recover from periods of inactivity, like when we are injured or sick, but our brains need regular exercise.
Change your mind, change your health,
Eat your veggies!

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