5 Steps to Change for Good

There is a mistaken belief that as we age it we can’t change. Everyone, at any age, can change, if they want to. Here are five steps to make lasting change easier. No matter where you are starting from.

1. Start small.

Most people start at the end and are ultimately disappointed. Have some short and medium-term goals and then make them smaller. Tiny, easy steps that are specifically defined that can be measured and celebrated.

For example, when it comes to weight loss most people start with the end in mind. I need to lose 20/50/100 pounds. That is too far away. It is unsustainable. A huge gap between where you might be now and where you want to go. Break this big goal into tiny habits “I want to eat more whole foods this week.” “I want to stop snacking after dinner.”

Small steps that add up are where to start.

2. Keep practicing.

Consistency is more important than being perfect.

Many people try to change everything at once or expect to make BIG changes. This never works, practice small steps until you do them automatically. Changing too much at once makes it harder to be consistent.

Take our weight loss example. Going on a restrictive diet sounds promising, but it never lasts. By starting with the day-to-day habits it is easier to learn what works best for you.

If you decide to switch from processed foods to whole foods you will have to make some changes in how you shop and what you buy. This sounds simple enough until you get to the grocery store and all the convenience foods are so accessible. So you mess up once in a while and revert back to your old habits? Normal. Just get back to eating well at the next meal. DO NOT wait until the next day, week, month, year. Start right now.

3. Keep the ultimate goal in mind.

What is your why?

Having a clearly defined reason for change. What do you want in the future? What would you like to be able to do or how do you want to feel. This needs to be important to you, no one else. If you can’t see the long-term benefit, change won’t happen.

If your ultimate goal is to lose 50 pounds, why is this important to you? Do you want to live to see your grandchildren grow up? Is there an adventure you want to experience in the future? Do you want to avoid going on medications? What makes this important to you right now?

4. Understand your obstacles.

Plan for setbacks and expect them.

Life is messy. Expect obstacles, but be optimistic. You are smart and determined. This is not the first time you have had to learn how to overcome setbacks. Mistakes are normal and this is where we can learn to adapt. Nothing goes smoothly all the time so don’t expect your attempts at change to be any different.

Everyone takes a few detours on the road to better habits, but you can learn from these. When do you suffer setbacks? Is it the weekend? Around a holiday? When you feel stressed?

You can’t avoid setbacks, but you can plan for them, making it easier to avoid the worst consequences.

5. Celebrate every success.

No matter how small.

This sounds silly, but it is so important! Humans are notoriously bad at remembering positive emotions and excellent at remembering negative ones. Celebrating the small wins strengthens the feedback loop that says “this new thing feels good, let’s do it again.”

Celebrating success reinforces the feel-good neurons in your brain. When a habit and reward are linked the neurons fire even before you take action. Which explains how bad habits are hard to break. Rewards are the reason that our brains decide the habit is worth it.  When you reward good behaviour you are more likely to do it again.

Change your mind, change your health,


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