Buy Local

Five Good Reasons to Buy Local

Buying locally grown food can make a difference to you and your community.

  1. Locally grown food retains it’s nutrients. It ripens naturally as it is not being transported long distances.
  2. Local food is in season and fresh.
  3. There is less packaging in buying locally grown food.
  4. You are supporting a local farmer and your community. Keeping local farmers in business improves food security and the health of your community.
  5. It is better for the planet. Buying local reduces the transportation costs of food production.

One more important reason to buy local today.

If your food is coming from the US, like many vegetables and fruits,  the “FDA would be unable to support some routine regulatory and compliance activities.”

According to information posted on  this includes checking medical products, animal drug products, and most food related inspections.

The FDA will not be inspecting processing facilities.

The FDA has stated that employees that are responsible for responding to foodborne illness are essential and will respond to any of these events.

Buy Local.

Currently Canada imports 62% of fruits and vegetables from the US and this means that most food travels more than 2400 KM to get to your kitchen. Buying local reduces your food footprint to approximately 100 KM.

It only takes 24 to 48 hours after picking leafy green vegetables to lose 50-90% of their Vitamin C. After 4 days spinach loses 50% of it’s folate and carotenoids. 

Local food means more food transparency. You know where your food comes from, the environmental impact and how it is produced before it arrives at your door.

What to avoid now.

  • leafy vegetables
  • ready to eat salads and sandwiches
  • uncooked meals
  • ice cream
  • cheeses 

While some FDA inspectors are back at work, they aren’t being paid and normally only inspect 80% of food. The FDA has stated that the companies are responsible for food safety.

Know where your food comes from and prepare it properly to prevent food borne illness.

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