Put Your Health on the Menu: Eat Less Fat

Various types of fast food

Want to have a healthier lifestyle? One of the key factors to consider is your fat intake. Consuming excess amounts of fat can lead to various health problems, such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Two new studies have shown how reducing dietary fat, even from plant-based sources, can improve our health.

Unlock the Power of Plants: How Eating More Veggies Can Transform Your Health

How You Can Transform Your Health Look no further than the humble vegetable. Incorporating more veggies into your diet can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. Not only are they rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they come with many health benefits. Eating various vegetables can boost your immune system, improve digestion, and promote …

The Life-Changing Power of Mental Fitness

Mature woman meditating

When it comes to improving our health, mental fitness is often overlooked. Our understanding of mental health issues has improved, which is important, but what about mental fitness? This is the proactive approach, preventative medicine. Reinforcing well-being, like physical fitness, requires practice. How often have you thought “Why can’t I stop doing this?” or “Why can’t I stop eating too …

Weekend Warrior or 3-Second Workout?

Are you a weekend warrior? Or do you try to exercise regularly? To get the best benefits from your exercise routine, how often should you exercise? Does it matter? The answer to every exercise question is “it depends” including how often should I exercise? New research shows that 3 seconds of exercise has benefits…I am not totally convinced about this, …