Little by little, then all at once.

Has this ever happened to you? You have a small window to exercise and it keeps shrinking. Do you go? Even for a short workout? Or skip it? That was my choice. I had to be out the door for my run by 10:00 and it was 10:20, realistically I wouldn’t be ready for another 20 minutes. My window of …

New Year. New You?

Did you make a health resolution? If you did you are not alone. Some of the most common resolutions are to get fit, lose weight, eat better and improve health habits. These healthy habits reduce our risk of cancer by 30%. One-third of cancer cases are due to our lifestyle habits and we can do something to reduce the odds. …

3 + reasons not to eat eggs

I spent the weekend with a great group of people this weekend. It was the second Winter Mountain Fit Camp, with cross-country ski lessons, yoga and a plant-based diet. It was a beautiful weekend and we spent time discussing and practising healthy habits. One nutrition topic that we discussed was eggs. Aren’t eggs supposed to be a great source of …

Fasting or low fat diet?

Low fat or fasting? Many health professionals say that you can get the same benefits of intermittent fasting from following a whole foods, plant-based, no/low fat diet. Sounds pretty good, eat real food, don’t worry about how much and get the same health benefits as a calorie restrictive diet. It does, but you should always read the fine print before …

Mixed Messages

For best results do less or do more. Have you ever tried to lose weight and get more exercise? That is a fairly common goal. Sometimes you are successful at one, but rarely both at the same time. There might be a very simple reason why this is so hard. You are sending mixed messages. Maybe a health professional has …

Five facts about fasting

Fasting for better health? Food, or more specifically the Standard American Diet, is now the number one cause of chronic disease. 45% of all cardiovascular and diabetic deaths are due to too much salt, too much processed meat, too much sugar and simply too many calories. According to a study done by the American Heart Association feeding rats the American diet …

Eat less, live longer?

Fasting for health and weight loss. Intermittent fasting is in the news. You have probably heard about it if you spend time online, but is it worth the effort? Maybe it is. Harvard researchers recently showed that manipulating your mitochondria can delay aging. Manipulation was done through by dietary intervention, i.e. fasting. Why mitochondria? Your mitochondria are your energy producers. …

Social Media for Weight Loss

Share that Selfie. It has been said, “that a picture is worth a thousand words” and if you are talking about weight loss that couldn’t be more true. A new study has shown the benefits of social media in achieving goals with interactive, online communities. Sharing success and setbacks publicly was an important part of achieving personal goals in this …

Could you be vegan for one month?

November Challenge is coming soon! Did you know that November is World Vegan Month? Last year for the month of November I challenged you to do something everyday for the month of November. Many of you joined me and I would encourage you to do it again this year. Do you think you could be vegan for one month? November …

Good guts

Does aging start in your guts? Healthy guts may be the answer to healthy aging. Research from a new study by University of Western Ontario has found that healthy elderly have the same gut microbiota as healthy young adults. The research showed there was a direct correlation between health and gut microbes. Professor Greg Gloor scientist and researcher says, “This …