Bright lights, better choices.

Do you make better food choices in the summer? It might be the light. The Journal of Marketing Research studied diners in bright restaurants and compared their food choices to those eating in dimly lit dining rooms. The results? You make better food decisions in brighter rooms, but eat slower and enjoy your meal more in dimly lit rooms. What could …

How to reduce your cancer risk

30 years ago “epidemiologists were already showing that tobacco, alcohol, and diet — which in their definition was the sum of dietary intake, lack of physical activity, and obesity — accounted for more than half of all cancer. We can’t expect these changes in outcome to occur overnight, but they could bring huge benefits to society.” states Dr. Colditz at …

Will I live longer if I eat less?

In a new study of rhesus monkeys that were fed 30% less calories, but with the same nutrients as a regular diet, scientists found no benefits for longevity. Calorie restriction diets have been long thought to promote longevity and studies in rats have shown a 40% increase in life expectancy. Currently there are human studies to test the effectiveness and …

When is a calorie not a calorie?

  When it comes to weight loss and your health. New research shows that “extreme restriction of fat or carbs can have bad effects” says Dr David Ludwig of the Obesity Prevention Center and primary author of this study. Dr Ludwig also advises that is not just the number of calories that count, but “we should also pay attention to …