3 Unexpected Ways to Improve Heart Health

There are three unexpected and easy habits that you might not think of as heart-healthy but they can be. You are probably doing one of them now. First, drink black coffee. Not too much and not too little. Between 3-5 regular-sized cups of coffee per day may reduce your risk of heart disease by 30%. An analysis of three large …

Athletes and Heart Health

Tense fans watching the game

Athletes of all ages and abilities, often think that exercise protects them from all of their dietary choices, “Hey, I don’t have a weight problem so I don’t have a problem…” Not quite. An accumulation of not so great food choices will eventually add up. For some, the bill comes due quicker than for others. Genetics have some influence, but …

Test your Heart Health at Home

Stairs in the woods

The following advice on testing your heart health comes with the standard warning. Be careful. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop immediately and contact your doctor. What are METs? If you have ever wondered what does METs mean when exercising on a treadmill you are not alone. MET or Metabolic Equivalent are commonly used during an exercise stress …

5 Ways to Be a Better Fat Burner

How to be a better fat burner

These are 5 factors that influence fat loss and you can practice at home without any special equipment. A few words of advice, if you are trying to change a habit, pick one thing and start with that. The one thing that you feel is most important to you and that you can easily make small changes. These two words …

Facts about the Fat in Food

Fat has a bit of a bad reputation. It has an important role in our diet and our health. It’s really misunderstood and that is a problem. Eating too much fat makes storing fat easier, but too little has consequences too. Let’s clear up some of the misconceptions about fat. Starting with the fat we eat. Fat in Foods Fat …

Fear of Falling, or is That Failing?

People overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years.

When I started running again after my hamstring injury I would have these moments where I would think “I’m going to fall.” There was no reason that I would fall and nothing had happened, I would just start to feel anxious, my heart rate would go up and I would want to stop. I did not fall. I did not …

This 22 Minutes has One Hour

Running Shoes on the Road

If you live in Canada you might be familiar with the Comedy Show This Hour Has 22 Minutes. The title references the fact that 30 minute TV shows are actually 22 minutes with 8 minutes of commercials. It is a little truth in advertising. Last week the World Health Organization (WHO) came out with guidelines for activity to offset sedentary …

Why Muscle Matters

Older couple doing pushups

Muscle plays a crucial role in our ability to age well, stay fit, and keep active. Muscle is key to maintaining our speed, coordination and balance. More muscle reduces our risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Muscle accounts for at least 50% of our body weight and yet when we restrict calories muscle loss is increased. More muscle means …

Proper Care & Feeding of Your Muscle

Over the last month I have talked about the importance of muscle mass for health, longevity and to prevent disease. Use it or lose it To grow new muscle, or maintain what you have now, you need to exercise and that does mean regular strength training. But what about nutrition? That could be the most common (and misunderstood) question when …