When it comes to our health we do some things that aren’t really helping. This is the next installment in the list of The Top 12 Worst Things
#10 is not eating a healthy breakfast.
Not eating breakfast, eating high sugary, fatty foods or just having caffeine for breakfast won’t improve your health or weight.
Many people believe skipping breakfast will help them lose weight, this has never been proven, however having a larger, quality breakfast and eating less at dinner time does help people lose weight and improve their health.
BTW the intermittent fasting folks that have the most success with weight loss change meal timing, reducing the time during the day that they will eat, but they still eat within 90 minutes of getting up. Fasting through restricting the time that people eat, is more effective for weight loss and is easier to follow than simply not eating.
There is plenty of research suggesting that eating breakfast is a good idea. Especially if you want to be in peak condition and here is some of the research,
Eating breakfast primes us to use more carbohydrates during exercise and boosts our metabolism.
Eating breakfast improves cardiovascular health. Skipping breakfast may cause atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. This research from the American College of Cardiology links breakfast with improvements in heart health.
Eating breakfast and having a smaller dinner is associated with improved health, reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes and lower body weight.
If you really want to skip a meal and stay healthy, make it one later in the day for the best results.
Change your mind, change your health,
Eat your veggies!

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