Exercise to eat better.

Exercise improves your eating habits

If you have unsuccessfully tried to improve your eating habits there might be a better way to change.

I know it’s true, I have seen it happen over and over again.

Often we try to be healthier, by doing it all at once. This can work for some people, but for most of us, it is overwhelming. Then we give up soon after we have resolved to be a better person.

I tell my clients that health is a continuum. It doesn’t matter where you start. Once you feel better other changes come naturally. If you decide to start exercising, soon you are going to bed earlier and sleeping better. If you start by eating better, soon you feel like doing some exercise. One thing leads to another.

Starting is the thing, where isn’t so important

New research suggests that this is true.

Scientists at the University of Texas has shown that after starting an exercise program, participants also started choosing healthier foods and eating less junk food. Although the participants were told not to change their diet, they still made better choices. Other studies have shown that moderate exercise can reduce cravings for high-fat foods by changing dopamine levels.

If you want to improve your health, don’t worry about getting it all right. Start with one thing and before you know it you will be making changes you never thought were possible, never mind easy.

You are doing better than you think

It is easy to think you aren’t doing enough, but you probably are doing better than you think. We are really bad at remembering, and appreciating our own changes. We feel we should be doing it all perfectly the first time. This rarely happens and often doesn’t last. Keeping track of your successes, no matter how small, is important to make changes last. When you look back at where you started you might be amazed at how much you  have achieved.

Change your mind, change your health,


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