How to be Motivated

motivation – noun: enthusiasm for doing something

The definition of motivation doesn’t really explain how to be motivated. When we want to change we often believe that we need to get motivated. Motivation can be elusive if we don’t understand what we want.

When we complain we aren’t motivated, we are not talking about what we want right now, but what we hope for. It is easy to be motivated to sleep in or eat too much cake.

While motivation is an internal drive to change or take action, it is also influenced by our environment. This reflects our hopes for the future. We do this and like that, because this is how we see ourselves. This is the person we want to be.

Motivation is not willpower

When it comes to changing habits relying on willpower does not work for most people. Motivation does not require willpower although we frequently confuse the two.

We often think we lack motivation and willpower when it comes to being healthy, but we haven’t taken the time to understand what is really behind our behaviour.

For example, it may be easy to think that we don’t follow through on our goals because we aren’t motivated when only

  • 10% of people stick to their New Years Resolutions
  • 66% of people take their medications as directed – this includes heart medications.
  • 27% of people stick to their fitness goals
  • 20% of people stick with their diet plans

You might think that the risk of a heart attack would increase the likelihood of a person taking their medication. It does not. This is not about willpower either. It is about how you see yourself in the now and in the future.

Does taking medications mean you are “an old person” “sickly” or does eating well signify that you are “no fun” will going to the gym result in you becoming a “health nut?”

How we see the future and our future selves reflects in our enthusiasm for doing things now.

The key to long-term motivation is a well-defined vision for your future self. 

Vision for the Future

Having a defined future you makes a difference. Your future self will be different than the one reading this, even if you don’t think this will happen to you.

How do I see myself in the future?

That is the best way to stay motivated. Do you see yourself as someone who can’t make it to the gym? Who will risk the complications of disease because they didn’t take their medications? Who will continue to eat poorly and hope for the best?

Or do you see yourself as fit and independent? Are you someone who wants to be a good role model or an inspiration to your family? Do you want to be as healthy as you can to do more of the things you enjoy?

There is no “right” answer. The answer is yours, but imagining a future you requires a detailed vision.

Seeing your future self as fit and healthy increases your motivation to take action today.

Personally, I want to be fit, not frail, which motivates me to go to the gym. I don’t even think about it, like brushing my teeth. If I want this future me to exist I exercise. I don’t need to rely on willpower or motivation. This is great because now it is dark in the morning and my motivation to stay in bed is higher than in the summer.

The F Word is motivating

Don’t start with the how

The first step is to understand the what and the why to make consistent change happen. What do I want and why do I want it?

You probably already do this without thinking, just maybe not in health and fitness. Why did you go to school or work? Why do you save money or even brush your teeth?

There are many things we do already because we see ourselves as this type of person. Someone who wants what these habits will do for us. Things like going to school to be able to get a better job, be able to live in a nice neighbourhood, travel, send your kids to good schools. We want the outcome and what we get from doing these things.

We see ourselves as the person who does these things.

It is the same for health and fitness

Instead of having a short-term goal, having a vision of ourselves in the future means not relying on motivation or willpower. It is just who we are, who we want to be. Someone who does the things that matter for the future. Like brushing your teeth or saving money for retirement.

Short-term goals are helpful because they measure our progress, but they are limited when it comes to motivation.

Want to be motivated?

Have a vision for your future health and fitness. Imagine yourself doing all the things that would help you achieve it. Don’t worry about setbacks, these are natural and expected. Start with the smallest actions, the easiest ones. The ones that are so easy you can’t not do them.

Imagine that you are someone who looks after yourself because of what you want. Before you know it someone will ask you “how do you stay motivated?” and you will say “it’s easy when you know how.”

Change your mind, change your health,


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