Meal timing and your health

When do you eat your biggest meal of the day?

Maybe, like many people, your biggest meal is after 6:00 PM. You may know the saying, eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a princess (or princess) and dinner like a pauper to lose weight.

But, for heart health, this may be just as important.

Eating after 6:00 PM

Dining after six is now linked to heart health and weight. Weight has always been associated with heart health, but a new study on women showed that for every 1% increase in calories eaten after 6:00 PM there was a decline in heart health.

With another decline for an additional 1% of calories consumed after 8:00 PM.

The study also showed a link between eating after 6:00 and increased blood pressure, blood sugar and body weight. A clear link between eating later and cardiovascular disease.

Lifestyle changes to prevent heart disease have focused on how much and what type of foods, but now this study shows like everything else, timing is everything.

Eat more of your calories during the day and less at night for your health.

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