The sweet taste of sugar

The sweetest thing. Have you ever been on a long run or ride and started thinking about sugary drinks? Then when you have one it feels like your muscles are sucking it up, like you can feel it being absorbed? Maybe you can. Carbohydrates and simple sugars are the only nutrients that can be absorbed through our tongue, directly into our …

Sit less. Move more.

Are you sitting down? Because I don’t recommend it. ​Last week I attended the Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention and I found two things particularly interesting. But, you could sum up most of the conference in 4 words. Sit Less. Move More.  A few other interesting facts were highlighted more than once. First, every speaker said that Cardiac Rehab wasn’t …

Full Disclosure

Last week I attended the Canadian Association of Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation conference. The focus was on exercise, not nutrition, and I will discuss some of the interesting findings in my next Fit Fact, but one aspect really stood out. Every speaker started their presentation with, “here are the companies I work with/for and these may be areas where I …

Ready. Set. Run.

Running is a miracle cure for almost everything.  Runners live about 3 years longer than non-runners. Running counteracts the effects of eating badly, drinking and being overweight. It isn’t actually a miracle cure, but it outperforms walking, cycling, and swimming when it comes to chronic disease prevention and longevity. You don’t even have to go fast, or for that long. Every …

This is your brain on sugar

Do you have a sweet tooth? Sugar consumption reached new highs last year with Americans consuming 11 million metric tons in 2016. Mostly in sugar-sweetened beverages. Sports drinks, juices, pop make up most of the sugar consumed.  Sugar changes your brain function. New studies have found that drinking high sugar beverages results in smaller brain volume, reduced memory, and learning. High …

7 Day Fitness Challenge

Are you ready to join the 7 Day Fitness Challenge and get your training plan? Here are the details. From April 24th – 30th you can participate in the 7 Day Fitness challenge and have your own fitness plan. What do you get? 1. Fitness tests to establish where you are. 2. Cardiovascular and resistance training. 3. Direction and accountability. …

How to change knowing into doing

You know that exercise is good for you and that you should do it regularly. That good nutrition is important for good health. As is proper sleep, adequate hydration, stress management, and all the healthy habits that make a difference.  But, do you do it? What we know is not always what we do. There is a gap between knowing …

Can you eat too much fruit?

  Can you eat too much fruit? If you have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes you may have been told to limit your fruit consumption, maybe not the best advice. We know that people who eat more fruit and vegetables are healthier than people who don’t eat unprocessed fruits and vegetables. But, is it the vegetables or the fruit? What …

To eat or not to eat?

When you exercise first thing in the morning, should you eat first or exercise first? The answer depends on a few factors. Are you exercising within an hour of getting up? How long is your exercise session? Are you trying to lose body fat? If you are trying to lose body fat then waiting to eat until after your workout …

Don’t touch that

Fast food. Don’t eat it and don’t touch the package it came in. In fact, I can’t tell you which would be worse, the “food” or the packaging. Most fast food is wrapped in sandwich wrappers, pastry bags, beverage cups and containers and they are poisoning you just as much as the food. Researchers recently published their findings in the …