The future of well-being

The beginning of a new year always brings health and fitness predictions along with various resolutions to change bad habits.

Some of these predictions are simply marketing efforts dressed as the latest things you have to have. Some are based on trends and surveys from health and fitness organizations. For the month of January, I will be exploring the good and the not-so-good predictions for 2022.

My personal prediction is that the word “wellness” will slowly (too slowly) become meaningless. It has ceased to have much meaning beyond alternative medicine and pseudoscience promoted by everyone from Gwyneth Paltrow to Dr. Oz.

Well-being encompasses mental, physical, and emotional states

I believe, and I am not alone, that we will see more talk about health as the whole package as opposed to separate parts. Although there will always be headlines that state, “do this for flat abs/mental health/weight loss/whatever” I think we all have accepted that what is good for us is good for all aspects of our health. Getting enough exercise, strength training, sleep, healthy eating, has an effect on every aspect of our health and our well-being.

There are obvious predictions like more outdoor, home, and online fitness options.

Wearable technology made the list of predictions in two different ways. The first one stated that it will be popular and the other, is that this is the year to ignore it. If I am going with the well-being theme I would pick the latter.

Well-being resolutions for 2022

Be enthusiastic. Life is incredible, even the bad times have moments of good, embrace it enthusiastically. You won’t get another chance.

Stop the comparisons. Your times, distances, workouts, whatever. It is meaningless and doesn’t help. If you want to compare anything, measure your progress.

Make a small change. The easiest one you can think of and start doing it now. Every good habit started with one small action.

Have a theme. Is this the year you get fit, learn, read, explore? Having a theme or a focus is more compelling than a resolution for change. Look forward and be inspired. Health psychologist, Kelly McGonigal suggests picking a word for the next year that helps you focus. A word that encompasses your values or vision for your future.

Eat more plants.

Sleep. 7-8 hours for optimal health, performance and longevity.

Embrace your age. I don’t mean you have to stop colouring your hair, you can do that too if you want. Don’t let negative stereotypes interfere with your fun. There is more proof that thoughts about ageing influence perceived age. Research has found that people who embrace ageing have better health, have more fun and age better than those who believe that ageing is an inevitable decline.

Embrace strength training.

Have fun. Some workouts are harder than others, sometimes we go through the motions, but enjoying the process is important or you won’t stick with it.

Those are the predictions I would like to see in 2022. What are your well-being resolutions or predictions for the year?

Change your mind, change your health,


Shayla Roberts, BHK, CSCS, Lifestyle Medicine Coach, helping adults put more life in their years.

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