Thin, but fat.

Being thin is so last century. Being strong is in.

Why should you care about gaining muscle? It is going to keep you functional longer. Life expectancies have risen 30 years in the last century, health expectancy is not keeping up.

Having more muscle keeps you moving, improves balance, helps to maintain independence and improves brain health.

Thin, but with little muscle mass is dangerous. Especially for older adults.

A new study in Clinical Interventions in Aging has proven that muscle keeps you thinking. The researchers say that “skinny fat” thin, but with low muscle mass is dangerous for your cognitive fitness.

In medical terms sarcopenic obesity (skinny fat), reduced muscle mass with normal body weight, or BMI, is associated with the LOWEST level of cognitive performance.

The researchers say,

“Sarcopenia either alone or in the presence of obesity, can be used in clinical practice to estimate potential risk of cognitive impairment.

In other words, more muscle keeps you looking and thinking younger. 

The researchers warn that changes in body composition, including losing muscle and increasing body fat mass are a significant health concern, especially for older adults. This combination of losing muscle leads to neurogenerative diseases, cardiovascular disease and reduced executive function. 

If you want to improve your health span get to the gym. Whether you love it, or not, it is going to keep your body and your brain in shape. 

Change your mind, change your health,


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