5 Lifestyle Habits That Make the Difference

Fads, and other temporary “fixes” never bring the benefits that you are looking for. Any goal worth achieving requires consistency. It is not the latest diet, or fitness fad, it is the day to day habits that make the difference. While this doesn’t sound as appealing as “secrets doctors don’t want you to know” but that is marketing, not real life. Practicing good health habits are the most important things you can do daily. Even more importantly if the habits are rewarding when you are doing them, you are more likely to stick with it. Make sure you choose ones that are immediately rewarding and have a long term benefit.

Exercise Regularly

The best way to stay in shape is to exercise regularly. Any type of physical activity is better than none, but choosing activities you like is important for sticking with it. Exercise at least three times a week for 30-60 minutes. Setting realistic goals and easing into a new routine is key to success.

Even if you are active, new research highlights the importance of moving throughout the day. Daniel Moore, a professor at the University of Toronto, has linked short bursts of activity, as little as two minutes of walking or body-weight sit-to-stand squats, stimulates muscle building by increasing the body’s use of more amino acids.

Exercise and activity are part of a continuum, and you do need both to maintain health and muscle mass. It doesn’t take much to get the benefits of movement throughout your day.

Eat Whole, Plant-Based Foods

If you want the energy to stay active, you need to make sure that you fuel your body with the right foods. Choose nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plant proteins instead of junk food and processed snacks. Eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day can help maintain energy levels or have fruit and vegetables as snacks between meals. These are nutritionally dense and low-calorie foods that are high in fibre, a critical ingredient for good health.

Stay Hydrated

It’s easy to forget about drinking enough water when you’re busy with work or other activities, but proper hydration is important for health and fitness. Drink plenty of fluids before and after activities or exercise sessions to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes and avoid dehydration which can lead to fatigue and injury. For activities lasting up to 60 minutes all you need is water.

Manage Stress Levels

Stress is part of life. Sometimes it is good stress, that discomfort that gets us to take action, and sometimes is is too much. High-stress levels can make it difficult for you to stick with your fitness plan and also affect multiple aspects of your health negatively, so find effective methods for managing anxiety levels on a daily basis, such as exercising, meditating or practicing deep breathing exercises.

Get Enough Sleep

Inadequate sleep can interfere with weight loss efforts as well as decrease productivity, so get seven or eight hours of restful sleep each night by turning off electronics an hour before bedtime and going to bed at the same time each night so that your body’s internal clock is synced up correctly.

Listen to Matthew Walker, the Sleep Diplomat, discuss how sleep is your superpower.

Habits are the foundation to good health.

Change your mind, change your health,


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