5 Unexpected Ways to Change Your Habits.

You went on vacation or had a change to your regular routine. You know you should get back to better habits, but you haven’t been able to yet.

Here are 5 unexpected ways to get back to better habits at any time.

Know Your Why. It is easier to get back to healthy choices when you can see the big picture. People that have a strong life purpose are more able to incorporate health information into action. They meet their fitness goals and have less activity in conflict processing regions in their brain.

Focus on Systems. Having a goal is great, but if you don’t have a way to get there you will be disappointed. It isn’t that you are unable to do it, you haven’t prepared to do it. Start small, eat a healthy breakfast, walk for 15 minutes. It doesn’t matter what, just have a reliable, repeatable system that gets you back in action with the minimum amount of effort.

Have a plan. When are you going to exercise? Where? Have all your gear ready to go. Make a grocery list. Plan your meals. Don’t leave it to chance. You don’t want to find yourself heading for the grocery store on an empty stomach, that never ends well.

Be prepared to fail. Not everything will go smoothly, you know how it goes. Even the best-laid plans get derailed. It is only one meal or one snack. Missing one workout isn’t the end of your routine. Go for a walk, move a little. It all adds up and the more you do, the more you feel like doing.

Be an optimistic realist. Yes, you should think positively, you should believe in your abilities, but you should also know that life happens. Make the easiest habits the ones you start with. Make it too easy to fail and when you do, move on. Being an optimist means you believe you will succeed, being a realistic optimist means you know it won’t be effortless.

Everyone falls off the wagon at some time. To make a habit stick, the key is to get back into action as soon as possible.

Change your mind, change your health,


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