Boost Your Immunity after Exercise

One proven way to boost your immunity is with moderate activity, but what you do after exercise is equally important. Eating well is key to recovery and improved immune function.

What is eating well?

The same 2019 study that recommended moderate activity for improved immunity also studied the effects of nutrition on immunity, especially after exercising.

The researchers recommended the 60/60/60 rule of moderate activity. No more than 60 miles (100 KM) per week for less than 60 minutes at an intensity of 60% VO2 Max (75% of your max heart rate). While this may sound very technical the key is to maintain fitness, not push your limits.

But, what about food?

The researchers also studied the best immune-boosting foods post-workout. If you want to improve your immune system after exercise than increasing carbohydrate and polyphenol consumption is the key.

What are polyphenols?

These are micronutrients found only in some plant foods. They are high in antioxidants and have many health benefits. Polyphenols are found in fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea and dark chocolate. Polyphenols include flavonoids, curcumin found in turmeric, lignans found in flax, and phenolic acid found in whole grains.

Eating plant-based foods after exercise has proven benefits like reducing inflammation, oxidative stress and exercise-induced immune suppression.

Eating carbohydrates after exercise is not new. It has been studied extensively since the 1990s. Especially with long-distance, endurance athletes. It has been established that eating carbohydrates after exercise will decrease the levels of stress hormone levels and inflammation.

Studies consistently find that consuming carbohydrates after a workout will reduce the stress caused by exercise. Whether it is by having a banana or a 6-8% carbohydrate-containing sports drink. Study after study shows that this will improve recovery and lower your stress hormone levels.

Carbohydrates and Polyphenols

Quality carbohydrates are important post-exercise, but so are polyphenols, but they are harder to study.

Polyphenol absorption is complex because polyphenols are absorbed in the small intestine and also in the colon. When polyphenols reach the colon they are broken down into smaller particles and absorbed into circulation.

What should I eat after exercise?

If you have ever entered any type of event from a 5 KM run to an Ironman triathlon, you have been offered a banana at the finish line.

Bananas are a great post-workout choice. Better than any man-made post-workout recovery product. Bananas have anti-inflammatory benefits that are available quickly after eating. Although you might not have a banana, other fruits like dates and raisins provide easily absorbed carbohydrates and polyphenols to improve recovery and boost immune functioning. These work by not only improving anti-inflammatory effects, but also improving recovery after exercise.

Although sometimes it is more convenient to have a gel, bar or sports drink the best immune system booster is to eat whole, unprocessed plant foods most of the time.

This is consistently the dietary advice whether it is to improve your health, reduce your risk of chronic disease, maintain your weight, stay fit or improve your immune system.

Eat plants most of the time and keep washing your hands.

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