The F Word

It is not what you are thinking. I talked about fear recently, the other F Word and how it holds us back from living. I listed a variety of random things that I am afraid of and I have thought of a lot more since then, but what I am truly afraid of is the F word. It is happening to more …

Congratulations! Weight Loss Success Story

Congratulations Myrna on completing all the workouts in the 8-Week Fat Burner Challenge! A true success story. Not only did she start running, but also lost weight and inches. In only 8 weeks! Myrna is the winner of a Team Canada T-Shirt and Sweatpants to stay motivated. Congratulations on your achievements and keep it up! Shayla

Trail Shoe Review

If you run you might have a progression of shoes like this too. You know, current favourites, the old stand by’s and the ones that you now use to walk the dog, or garden, or something. They aren’t good for running anymore, but they aren’t ready for recycling. Recycling? My running shoes? Yes, many running stores have some type of …

Ready to ride.

Riding the roads of France.

July in our house means the Tour. In case you don’t know what Tour – I mean Le Tour de France. Watching the tour, listening to the podcasts (the best one is former tour director Johan Bruyneel discussing tactics and strategies on The Move) and reading the news, le tour is all-encompassing. This year the race started in Belgium to …

No excuses

The most common reason for not exercising is, I don’t have enough time. However, a new study on the effects of a home-based fitness plan compared to the recommended 150 minutes a week of moderately challenging exercise seems to prove that you don’t need that much time. Researchers in Liverpool asked 32 obese people to complete a 12-week exercise program. …

Everything is Connected

One of my favourite cartoons is The Awkward Yeti. It features body parts, including heart, brain, tongue, gall bladder, as if your body could talk to you. Apparently, it can if you are listening. Research just published in the Journal of American Cardiology has shown what you may already suspect. What happens to your heart also happens to your brain. …

When do you exercise?

The timing of your exercise may have an impact on the results. A new study performed on mice, not humans, has shown that when you exercise could change the result. Morning exercise has more of an effect on the muscle cells. Exercising in the morning increased muscle metabolism, making it more capable of using fat and sugar for fuel. Evening …

Belly Fat 2.0

Man with pizza measuring his waist circumference.

If you are participating in the 8 Week Fat Burner you will have changed your body composition! Even if you don’t do every workout you are still improving your health. The program, based on the study showing that one hour per week of interval training can reduce visceral (belly) fat. Participants did 3 sessions of 20-minute interval workouts a week …

Yoga. Yes or No?

Should I do yoga? Like most health and fitness questions, the answer is “it depends.” Yoga has recently been sold as the cure for everything. That is never the case. It may be a fantastic way to reduce stress, unplug and unwind. Yoga will not make your muscles long and lean. It is not going to improve your cardiovascular fitness.  …

February is Heart Month

There is some good news when it comes to heart disease. New research published in JAMA Cardiology has shown that running at a 10 minute/mile pace for 5-8 hours per week, in this study classified as high-volume, high-intensity exercise, does not increase your risk of heart attacks. This study shows that men with high calcium scores don’t have a higher …