Everything is Connected

One of my favourite cartoons is The Awkward Yeti. It features body parts, including heart, brain, tongue, gall bladder, as if your body could talk to you.

Apparently, it can if you are listening.

Research just published in the Journal of American Cardiology has shown what you may already suspect. What happens to your heart also happens to your brain.

In a 12-year study, researchers followed adults who were diagnosed with heart disease or angina.

What did they find?

“Heart attack patients had a significantly faster memory decline.”

Cardiovascular disease can affect the brain in many ways. For example, it may have an effect on the small blood vessels, reducing blood flow and oxygen to parts of the brain.

The link between cardiovascular disease and brain health may start changing the brain before symptoms occur, as with common risk factors such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

This new research proves what is good for your heart is good for your brain. We know how important aerobic exercise is for the heart, but it’s as important for the brain. The brain is the most vascular organ in our body. Reducing blood flow in our arteries because of high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes or inactivity will cause cognitive decline. This is seen in areas of the brain like the hippocampus, where short-term memory is consolidated.

The good news?

Everything is connected. When you exercise you are strengthening your heart and improving the health of your brain.

What are you doing today for your heart and brain?

Change your mind, change your health,


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