N is for Nuts

The N in FN-GBOMBS is for nuts and if you are able to eat nuts you should have a little every day.

I have had many conversations with clients that go something like this:

Me – What do you eat for breakfast?

Client – I don’t eat breakfast or sometimes I’ll grab something to go on my way to work.

Me – Is that a habit or do you have another reason for skipping breakfast?

Client – I’m too busy in the morning and I’m trying to lose weight.

Me – How is that working?

Client – Well, I am not losing weight, but I don’t have time to eat breakfast.

Me – Could you start with something simple? For example, whole wheat toast and peanut butter, easy and filling.

Client – WHAT? I can’t eat nuts. They are SO FATTENING!!! I will lose control and eat too much. I will gain more weight and get even further behind.

Me – How about we try it for a week and then you can see how it went?

Client, unconvinced, says “okay”

One week later.

Me – How was your breakfast experiment?

Client – Unbelievable. I didn’t feel hungry all morning, I ate less during the day and I have lost a pound.

Me – That is great. Nuts are filling they have protein, fat, fibre and lots of heart-healthy nutrients. Eating a small serving of nuts daily is recommended as long as they don’t have added oils (yes this is a thing), salt or sugar.

Client – But nuts are so high in fat how can they help me lose weight?

Nuts are good food.

As long as you don’t have a nut allergy, they make an important part of a healthy diet. Nuts have been proven to reduce cardiovascular risk factors and improve brain health. Whole, natural, unsalted without added flavourings or sugars, nuts are good for you, but you don’t need much.

Most important is that when you eat nuts they only contain one ingredient – nuts.

Yes, nuts do have fat, but it is not processed and comes with lots of nutrients. Here are some of the health benefits of including nuts in your diet.


Although technically a legume, most people consider them nuts. They are high in polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidants. They contain poly and monounsaturated fats. 100 grams of peanuts also has 25 grams of protein, 8.5 grams of protein, 92 mg of calcium, 168 mg of magnesium and 705 mg of potassium.


These nuts have the highest fat content, but it is from polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Walnuts are considered good for your brain because of their significant concentration of DHA, a type of Omega 3 fatty acid that protects against cognitive decline. A recent study suggests that walnuts can improve the health of your gut bacteria too.


My personal favourite. Cashews have Vitamin E, K and B6 as well as minerals like copper, zinc, magnesium and selenium. Studies have shown that cashews may help lower blood pressure and raise good cholesterol. The copper and iron in cashews help to form new red blood cells and keep the immune system functioning properly. Cashews also help to decrease the risk of cataracts.

Brazil Nuts:

These nuts have the highest selenium content. 1 brazil nut gives you more than 100% of your daily recommended intake. Selenium is critical for DNA production, metabolism and immune response. Selenium is critical for thyroid health. Brazil nuts also improve cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation.


Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, magnesium, riboflavin, copper, phosphorus and manganese. 100 grams of almonds have almost 30 grams of protein and 18 grams of fibre. Almonds may reduce blood sugar as well as lower blood pressure.

A study of women who ate peanuts, walnuts and almonds regularly reduced their risk of breast cancer by 2-3 times.

Eat nuts regularly for unprocessed fats and get all the health benefits.

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