Belly Fat 2.0

Man with pizza measuring his waist circumference.

If you are participating in the 8 Week Fat Burner you will have changed your body composition! Even if you don’t do every workout you are still improving your health.

The program, based on the study showing that one hour per week of interval training can reduce visceral (belly) fat. Participants did 3 sessions of 20-minute interval workouts a week and saw their abdominal fat decrease while gaining muscle. You can read about it at Straw into Gold.

As a bonus, the 8 Week Fat Burner participants also received a resistance training program. Now there is evidence that this type of training also reduces belly fat.

A new study from the American Geriatric Society shows that even obese 70 year-olds can lose belly fat.

Yes, you can reduce belly fat at any age with a simple, effective, progressive training using your body weight only.

The study included men and women, with an average age of 70. They performed bodyweight exercises for 40 seconds with 20 seconds rest. The program started with 18 minutes of exercise and worked up to a 36-minute workout.

The results?

In 10 weeks they lost two pounds of fat mass and gained one pound of lean muscle mass. While that may sound insignificant it is not for at least two reasons.

First, most people believe that muscle loss is inevitable as we age. But, this study proves it is possible to regain muscle at any age or fitness level.

Second, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym to see the benefits. The exercises were easy to do, at home exercises, like the ones in my 8 Week Fat Burner program.

The only downside – if you are a woman – is that the men lost more belly fat. Whether that was because men tend to lose fat faster. Or because of something else, we can’t tell yet.

And the exercises?

Simple and effective. Ones like squats, push-ups, and crunches. Exercises you can do anywhere. No excuses. Not your age, or your current fitness level, should prevent you from increasing your muscle mass and decreasing body fat.

Change your mind, change your health,


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