Muscle = Health

Muscle means health. It is really that simple. Keep your muscles healthy and you will be healthy. That keeps me exercising even on days when I don’t really feel like it. I was at the gym the other morning and I started thinking about why other people might want to go to the gym. There was a team doing a …

Bod Pod

You have 14 weeks until 2018. What? What is this all about? If you had a goal or a resolution for 2017 you still have some time to take action. You may remember my fall theme was to improve my fitness and prove that older doesn’t necessarily mean decline. I have started and I have taken action. I also set …

Invest in yourself at Canyon Ranch

When you make an investment what sort of return are you expecting? You may have invested in your education, career, portfolio, house, children, there are so many considerations. What is the long term vision that comes with these different investments? Do you expect modest, incremental changes to a successful future? Or are you more the get in/get out quick and …


What do you do when you get injured? I have recently asked you about running, body composition, your reasons for healthy living, and now injuries. I have had a few, and currently recovering from two injuries and the flu, another temporary setback. When you are injured how do you react? What do you do? For example, some people are so …

Back to fitness.

It is funny how old routines stick with us. In my experience, August is vacation time. This is whether you are actually going on a vacation or not. No one can maintain a consistent level of effort all year and with at least 12 years of making summer vacation a habit, we tend to stick to that pattern. In fact, …

Fat loss or weight loss?

What do you think about fat loss or weight loss? Do you worry about how much you weigh or your body composition?  Your weight is not the whole story. Having too much body fat is unhealthy, but you can have too much body fat and not weigh very much. We know that being overweight is a health risk, but most …

For best results, believe.

How you feel about exercise makes a difference. Your mind and your body aren’t separate.  If you haven’t given it much thought, now might be the time to change your mind. New research has shown that you can think yourself fit. Don’t get too excited you still have to be active, but how you think about it can make a big …

More good news

  It’s all good news this week. Today, three good news stories about the benefits of three different types of exercise. Yoga improves your brain function. Stretching before exercise interferes with your athletic performance, but don’t count out the brain benefits of doing yoga. Older woman that practice yoga have increased cortical thickness in areas of their brain responsible for …

Stretching it

Feeling tight and inflexible? You might think you should stretch more? If you like to stretch, go ahead, if you don’t, it won’t make much of  a difference, unless you want to perform better. Then don’t stretch. There is a corresponding 5 – 7.5% decrease in performance after you hold a stretch. 5% is the difference between Usain Bolt winning a race …

Performance Enhancing Drugs

If your job was to win races would you be willing to break the rules? Would you take performance enhancing drugs? Would you use ergogenic or performance enhancing aids? July means the Tour de France and many people associate cycling with performance enhancing drugs, while this may be true it is not limited to professional cycling.  It appears that more …