
Successful change is easier if you know where you are starting from. I can’t tell you how many times I have spoken with people who haven’t weighed themselves in, well, years. Not that weight is the only, or the best measure, of health, but it is an easy one to measure. They invariably say “I don’t want to know.” Some, …

Happy & Healthy 2020

Ready or not it is a new year and a new decade! As I mentioned at the end of last year it is time to make some changes and thanks to your feedback this what is coming for the new year. Survey says Thank you for taking the time to answer the survey, it is very helpful. In summary, you …

Belly Fat and Your Brain

Man with pizza measuring his waist circumference.

Are you worried about your waist line? It seems like many people are thinking about theirs. Type “belly fat” into google and you get 130 million results indicating that you are not alone. Visceral fat, the kind you find around your organs, is active and can have a serious effect on our health. According to Harvard Health excess abdominal fat, …

Moderation Doesn’t Work

It is the season of excess. Everywhere you go there are high calorie, high fat, sugary snacks. It is easy to stay up too late, skip workouts, and overindulge in just about everything, which brings me to the next instalment in The Top 12 Worst Things we are doing to our Health. Moderation. Moderation in all things is not particularly …

Politics of Health & Fitness

Political initiative. It is the next on the list of The Top 12 Worst Things we are doing to our Health. There are many examples of political initiatives that make a difference in our health and fitness, but not many comprehensive ones. There are exercise guidelines, but that isn’t enough. To inspire real change we need incentives from all levels of government. We also …

Why you can’t just have one

Are there certain foods that you just can’t stop eating? Even when you are full? We know, and studies have proven, that foods with sugar, fat, and salt highjack the same parts of our brain as certain drugs. Making it harder to eat just one or stop when we are full. One problem with previously understanding how these foods affect …

What are you doing this weekend?

If you weren’t planning on it, I would suggest doing some exercise and if you were going to exercise – don’t stop. I was reading the paper and saw something I found fairly shocking. A study of 2000 adults in the U.S. found that most of them thought that once you were 40 it was too late to start exercising. …

Meal timing and fat loss.

If you are trying to lose weight with the recommended method – you know sensibly, with realistic changes like portion control and eating more vegetables – you may have noticed that your clothes fit better before the numbers on the scale change. This is good news. Changes in body shape and size indicate that you are doing it the right …

Coffee News

Love coffee? Here is another good reason to enjoy a cup, or two, for your health.