Old or young, eat well to live longer

There is a common misconception that when you are young you can get away with unhealthy habits and as you age you need to be more careful. While the consequences of your bad habits are not immediate, they still change your future health, regardless of your age. Younger adults may eat more fast food because it is cheap and easy, but the cost includes accelerated ageing.

Eating a diet of high-calorie fast food has some unintended consequences.

Everyone knows that fast food is not health food, but most of us are unaware of how deep these changes go. A fast-food diet makes chemical changes to our DNA’s operating system.

These changes are a ticking time bomb.

One that is ignited with high fat, sugar and cholesterol standard Western-style diet. This diet promotes premature cellular ageing and metabolic dysfunction at very young ages. More young adults are being diagnosed with lifestyle diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s and one of the causes is diet.

Cartoon of heavy set man with a tray of fast food.

Bad diet kills

More than 69% of heart disease deaths are preventable with diet. MOST cases of heart disease are preventable simply by changing your diet.

Research published on October 16th, World Food Day states,

More than 6 million deaths could be avoided by reducing the intake of processed foods, sugary beverages, trans and saturated fats, and added salt and sugar.

Dr. Xinyao Liu of Central South University, Changsha, China.

Eat like your life depends on it

69.2% of these deaths could be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle, 54% could be prevented by reducing blood pressure and another 49% could be eliminated by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Comfort eating in the time of COVID

While managing stress and the inability to get to the gym recently have increased sedentary habits. Being overweight is now considered an independent risk factor for severe COVID-19, regardless of age. Hospitalized patients that were obese are more likely to need critical care. (Read more at the 12 Best COVID-19 Prevention Strategies)

One meal won’t kill you, one more might.

It’s not all or nothing. You can enjoy the occasional indulgence. Eat well most of the time and change your health right down to your DNA.

Change your mind, change your health,


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