Onions and Mushrooms

The OM in FN-GBOMBS is for onions and mushrooms.

I never really paid much attention to these two vegetables. Onions were just something you added for flavour and mushrooms were not part of my diet. It is a texture thing. I never understood the appeal, However, as someone who eats a plant-based diet, it may surprise you to know how many popular vegetables I don’t really like, mostly due to texture. But onions are so full of health-promoting goodness that it is recommended that you eat some every day.

Why are onions so good for you?

First, they are nutrient-dense. One medium onion has around 44 calories but is high in a number of important vitamins, minerals and fiber. Onions are high in Vitamin C which is important for tissue repair, immune system health and is an antioxidant. They also have B vitamins, including folate which helps to regulate metabolism, assist with red blood cell production and nerve function. Onions also are a good source of potassium, a mineral in which is lacking in many people’s diet.

5 health benefits of onions include:

Onions help to regulate bone density.

They have cancer-fighting properties.

They may help improve bone density. 

Onions have anti-bacterial compounds. 

They may improve digestive health.

Onions are easy to add to meals, inexpensive and have great benefits, eat some today. 

What about mushrooms?

I never ate mushrooms until I heard about all the great benefits. I still don’t love them, but I don’t avoid them either. 

Mushroom protein has been found to be better at building muscle than whey protein. The protein found in milk and a favourite of the bodybuilder community.

More than 5 benefits of mushrooms:

Mushrooms also boost immunity, have anti-inflammatory properties, improve respiratory function and can improve your gut microbiome.

Mushrooms have been found to have anti-ageing properties.

They have a type of proteins called lectins. These are important because they are able to bind to abnormal cells, like cancer cells and then signal our immune system to destroy them. 

With all those benefits I thought I could start eating a few, just in case.

Change your mind, change your health,


Enjoy this Sauteed Onion and Mushroom recipe!

Eat your veggies!

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