
It is 7 weeks until the end of 2016. 

November and December can be a time of overindulgence, especially if you live in the United States. In the US, Thanksgiving is close enough to Christmas to make it one long, eating season. It starts badly, with Americans reporting that they eat a couple of days worth of calories at one time,  4,500 calories for one Thanksgiving meal. 


Even if you don’t start eating excessively until later in the season, normally we have a few opportunities to overindulge and then what?


[bctt tweet=”Regular exercise counteracts some of the health effects of eating too much.” username=”shaylasays”]

One week of overeating can change our insulin sensitivity and ability to control blood glucose. New research from the American Physiological Society shows that exercise protects fat tissue from changes in inflammation levels and fat metabolism caused by one week of overeating. The research showed that after one week of overeating, people who did not exercise had higher levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation, but it wasn’t higher in the people who were exercising. The people overeating, while exercising, showed no change in fat breakdown or glucose control.

Today is World Diabetes Day, with 415 million people in the world suffering from diabetes, you can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. While you may not be able to resist a few indulgences this season, don’t stop exercising. It could make all the difference to how you start the new year.

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