Plant-Based Nutrition Plan

Back to school time feels like time to get back to a regular schedule. Even the man and I have a new fall plan and cleaning up our diet… in other words, no more lemon cupcakes for a little while ?

Summer is full of time spent on patios and outdoor events, which it should be, but now it feels like time for a new routine.

If you are considering eating more plant-based, whole foods I have a new program just for you.

In partnership with the great dietitians at Lighter Nutrition we have designed a 12 week plan to help you lose weight, improve your health with a plant-based diet.

The best news is that you choose your meal plans, and pick a plant-based menu for every meal or as many as you want. It is so flexible and so easy.

There is a few more great benefits for you, but besides the flexibility, and personalized meal plans, I am offering you a $200.00 discount this week only!

Yes, that’s right. A personalized menu plan, custom designed menus from registered dietitians, a chance to eat better and feel better all at one low price!

What’s the catch? Well, we want some info about how much you used the program, what you liked, or didn’t, your weight, waist circumference and health conditions you might be managing. It is all anonymous and you choose what you wish to share. 

Want more info? Let me know by sending me an email.

Ready to sign up? Here is the sign up form!

Eat more plants!


Eat your veggies!

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Recipes, tips and a lot of good news about plant-based diets!

What are you waiting for? Eat more plants.

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