Preserve your health

A food ingredient used in many processed foods to prevent these foods from going bad may be harming your health.

Propionate, a food ingredient commonly used baked goods, artificial flavourings and animal food, could be causing disruptions in hormones related to weight gain.

Propionate may cause a cascade of metabolic reactions leading to insulin resistance and excessive levels of insulin.

New research from the Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health proves that people who ate foods with propionate had significant increases in norepinephrine and glucagon immediately after their meal. Indicating that propionate may act as a “metabolic disruptor” that potentially increases the risk for diabetes and obesity in humans. 

The U.S Food and Drug Administration classifies propionate as “generally recognized as safe”. However, the research shows that it does increase hormones related to weight gain immediately after a meal.

Foods that may contain propionate would be processed foods, that also have more salt, sugar, fats and calories. While increasing the shelf life of foods may be good for the manufacturer, it isn’t good for you.

Choose whole foods, without preservatives. Eat real food that you recognize to avoid the unintended side effects of processed foods. While these foods may go bad faster, that could be better for you and your waist line.

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