We know that exercise is good for us. It improves our physical and mental health as well as improving longevity. But, what type is best? Most of the recommendations that we hear about are for cardiovascular exercise, but strength training is important too. Recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO) for adults include 150 weekly minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise …
Start with a few simple baseline measures of your health and fitness to see your progress. These can keep you accountable and motivated to stick with your plan, because it all adds up and seeing your progress makes it easier to stick with your new habits!
Two ways to make change last.
It is easy to give up on resolutions to eat better or get fit, not because we don’t want to, but because we go about it the wrong way. Here are two ways to successfully make change last. Hint, it needs to be easy!
The Science Behind Successful Habits: How Rituals Can Transform Your Life.
Incorporating rituals into your day provides structure, meaning and purpose. This makes new habits easier to maintain, going from getting it done to how you do it. Rituals that align with our goals can make the difference to sticking to your goals.
Unlocking Longevity: The Power of Exercise and Diet on Telomeres
Everyone wants to extend their health span, and when scientists try to discover the secrets to a longer, more vibrant life, the research often looks at the role of exercise, diet and telomere health. Time restricted feeding, and high intensity exercise are proven to impact your longevity.
Longevity Book Review: Part 2 The Mental Aspect
The mental aspects of longevity involve our thoughts and feelings about ageing and how society treats ageing. The two books reviewed here explore our thoughts about ageing and how this affects our abilities.
Increase your Healthspan: Books About Longevity, Part One, The Peters
But achieving longevity and wellness is not just about luck or genetics—it requires conscious effort and a holistic approach. I recently read four books about longevity, and here is a review of the first two and what matters when it comes to your health span.
Is Cardiovascular Disease Contagious?
Our spouse influences our health. If your spouse has hypertension you are more likely to as well. But does that mean our significant other influences our health or does it mean we choose partners that share our habits, for better or worse?
Is Exercise the Secret to Healthy Ageing for Men?
Aging presents a unique set of challenges, but with the right knowledge and habits, it is possible to embrace the aging process and enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life. As men age a common concern is prostate health. Improving fitness can make the difference to your health.
One Powerful Way Women Can Age Better
A study of almost 50,000 women with an average age of 48 years old has some powerful news about dietary protein.
When it comes to healthy ageing, nothing beats plants.
Breaking Down the Science: Understanding the Fat Burning Zone and Its Impact on Weight Loss
Are you curious about the accuracy of the fat-burning zones on exercise equipment or wonder if the fat calories you burn on your heart rate monitor are accurate? Using fat as a fuel isn’t complicated, but you do need to understand how exercise intensity changes the fuel that you use to keep active.