What type of exercise is best as you get older?

Older couple doing planks in the gym

We know that exercise is good for us. It improves our physical and mental health as well as improving longevity.

But, what type is best?

Most of the recommendations that we hear about are for cardiovascular exercise, but strength training is important too.

Recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO) for adults include 150 weekly minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or a minimum of 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity or a combination of both.

The WHO also recommends that adults should also do at least two days a week of strengthening activities at a moderate or greater intensity that involve all major muscle groups.

The final recommendation is that all adults reduce sedentary time with physical activity of any intensity. In other words, sit less and move more.

More than walking

Walking is great, but if that is what you are thinking it may be time to expand your definition. For that matter, if all you do is aerobic exercise now is a good time to add strength training to your routine.

Many people believe that because they run, cycle, or swim, that is enough.

That is a great start

Strength training is critical for health and longevity. It will improve your longevity in the sports you love doing by preventing injury and keeping you active longer, but it also improves longevity. Keeping you alive longer.

Strength training improves longevity

A new study that started in 1993 with over 100,000 men and women between the ages of 55-74 showed that doing both types of exercise, aerobic exercise and strength training is best.

The participants reduced their risk of premature death by 41-47% when they met both recommendations for aerobic and strength training from the WHO. While the researchers found that doing one or the other type of exercise also reduced the risk of premature death. The biggest return on your activity investment comes with both.

Not doing any strength training now?

Start with bodyweight exercises and progress as you get stronger. These six exercises are the foundations of a good strength training routine and they are easily adaptable for all abilities.

Change your mind, change your health,


PS If you need more help, send me an email or book an appointment and stay strong for life.

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