What are you doing this weekend?

If you weren’t planning on it, I would suggest doing some exercise and if you were going to exercise – don’t stop. I was reading the paper and saw something I found fairly shocking. A study of 2000 adults in the U.S. found that most of them thought that once you were 40 it was too late to start exercising. …

Meal timing and fat loss.

If you are trying to lose weight with the recommended method – you know sensibly, with realistic changes like portion control and eating more vegetables – you may have noticed that your clothes fit better before the numbers on the scale change. This is good news. Changes in body shape and size indicate that you are doing it the right …

Exercise Myths

There is a lot of misconceptions when it comes to exercise and while this is not an extensive list, it is a good start. A few things to keep in mind if you think what you are hearing or reading may not be true: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Any activity is better than …

Meal timing and your health

When do you eat your biggest meal of the day? Maybe, like many people, your biggest meal is after 6:00 PM. You may know the saying, eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a princess (or princess) and dinner like a pauper to lose weight. But, for heart health, this may be just as important. Eating after 6:00 PM Dining …

At home exercise

Even though I recommend going to a gym to exercise, exercising at home is better than not exercising. Some people can make working out at home part of their routine. They have the right equipment and space for exercise. Or they don’t have access to a gym, very limited time, kids at home and this makes working out at home …

Is your diet ageing you?

A study about the importance of your gut bacteria and how it can speed up ageing was published last week. The study found that the bacteria in your gut alter the ageing process. What you eat may speed up or slow down ageing. There is one key factor to slow down the ageing process. Fibre Fibre is the key to …

Gym or Exercise at Home?

I (almost) never recommend that people buy exercise equipment? Ever. Why? It is rarely a good investment to buy home exercise equipment. Let me tell you about a client I had a few years ago. He was walking on the treadmill and decided he should have a treadmill exactly like the gym version at home too. I told him not …

Get strong this season

As a Strength and Conditioning Specialist, I see some very interesting things at the gym… If I could give you some advice, perform exercises that give you the biggest return for your investment. These exercises will help you maintain your functional strength, be a better athlete, improve your stamina and prevent injury. Whatever sport or activity you love, these will …

Coffee News

Love coffee? Here is another good reason to enjoy a cup, or two, for your health.

Why You Should Have a Seasonal Training Plan

Having a seasonal training plan can prevent injuries. A training plan helps you stay motivated and improve your fitness. Here is how a training plan can help you.