Super Stats

Did you watch the Super Bowl on Sunday? Go to a Super Bowl party? Indulge in some Super Bowl food? You are not alone. Super Bowl ratings are high and so is the food consumption. For a three hour, or more, broadcast that is just over 8% (about 12 minutes) of actual play, the calories consumed are more than any …

Get smart

When I was in university the school calendar had a joke printed inside that said, “How do Human Kinetics students study? Run extra laps? Lift heavier weights?” When I graduated from UBC one of my relatives saw my grad photo and laughed, they said “why do they have you sitting in front of all those books, you didn’t go to …

Emotional Eating

Why do you eat? When I ask people this question the answers are pretty common,” because it’s there”, “I’m bored”, “it’s expected”, “it’s time”, “to cope”, “it’s a habit”. Notice what’s missing? No one, said, “because I was hungry.” When was the last time you felt hungry? If I follow up with this question I often get silence and maybe …

Rated PG for GP

When I was posting about Alternative Facts (AF) on Monday I forgot about one of the best AF spreaders… Gwyneth Paltrow. A continuous stream of crazy ideas and irresponsible nonsense.  The latest AF from GP is the Vagina Egg. Yes, vagina egg. It’s jade and apparently you (if you have a vagina of course) use it to strengthen your magical …

Alternative Facts

  Alternative Facts. You might have heard this recently. I am not going to get into that infamous quote, but welcome to my world everyday. I am going to try to keep calm, but this may be more of a rant and less of a fact. Currently I am counting to 10, breathing deeply, you know, trying to be rational. …

Exercise and type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a common diagnosis. Did you know that exercise is excellent treatment and one type of exercise has significant benefits?

Where do you get your protein?

I started reading a book about nutrition and health this week. It is very good and disturbing. Disturbing, because it really shows the lack of awareness about how nutrition effects our health. That is why I decided that for random Food Facts I will focus on the most common nutrition questions I get asked. First, and the most popular, “Where do …

Exercise = Happiness = Exercise

Activity, of any kind, not just exercise, makes us happier. Dr Jason Rentfrow, from Cambridge’s Department of Psychology says, “Happy people are more active in general and that periods of physical activity led to increased positive mood, regardless of individuals’ baseline happiness.” Using wearable technology and smart phones researchers tracked over 10,000 people and found that small amounts of activity, …

It’s all in your guts

I don’t know how many times I have heard from clients after they start eating better that NOTHING is happening. That is not quite correct, but I know what they mean. They haven’t lost any weight. I ask them how they feel, the answer always goes something like this  “much better, my clothes fit better, I am sleeping better, I …

Are you one of the 3%

Less than 3% of American adults practice the 4 healthy lifestyle behaviours that protect from disease. The four habits are moderate exercise, proper nutrition, a recommended body fat percentage and not smoking. These four basic habits are critical to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, many types of cancer and diabetes. The economic cost of not practicing these 4 habits? …