Vegan for Lent

Fruits and vegetables

Lent is a great time to make a change

You don’t have to Catholic, or religious, to try a new habit for Lent. Think of it as a 6 week experiment for change.

The 10 most popular things that people gave up for Lent in 2018 according to Twitter were

  1. Social Media
  2. Twitter
  3. Alcohol
  4. Chocolate
  5. Swearing
  6. Meat
  7. Sugar
  8. Sweetened drinks
  9. Coffee
  10. Fast Food

The 11th most popular thing to give up for Lent was Lent, according to Twitter.

40 days of fasting

If you choose to go without something for the 40 days of Lent it can have long lasting impact. A social media fast, or a sugar free, 6 weeks can help you start new habits.

I have often given up one small thing for Lent. Many years ago I quit adding milk to my coffee and never went back, the next year it was sugar and now I can’t imagine coffee any other way but pure and unadulterated.

New Habits

There are a number of ways to make new habits stick and one way is to make it easy. Lent gives you a short, defined time frame to conduct your experiment.

Million Dollar Vegan, the people behind the successful Veganuary campaign, have raised one million dollars to donate to a charity if the Pope goes vegan for Lent. 

If you are interested in going vegan for Lent, eating more vegan meals and learning about a vegan diet take my free course How to Eat a Healthy Vegan Diet 

Instead of giving up (although I might do that too), I am giving more – more info, more recipes and more ways to improve your health with a vegan diet for life, not just for Lent. Will you join me?

Change your mind, change your health,


Learn more about vegan diets with the following links and if you want to eat more veggies for the next 6 weeks join my course.

Vegan vs Plant-Based with 9 great reasons to try a vegan diet.

What if You Were Vegan for One Day there are many benefits to one day of animal free eating.

WFPB and how to get all the nutrients you need on a whole foods, plant-based diet.

Could you be Vegan for One Month? It is not as hard as you might think.

5 Fitness Benefits of a Vegan Diet be a better athlete with a vegan diet.

Eat your veggies!

Subscribe today, get your plant-based shopping list, and start the 21-Day Plant-Based Challenge.

Recipes, tips and a lot of good news about plant-based diets!

What are you waiting for? Eat more plants.

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