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When it comes to packaged foods Canada has the highest salt content.

The George Institute for Global Health analyzed more than 400,000 food and drink products around the world and rated them for calories, salt, sugar, saturated fats. As well as protein, calcium, and fibre.

Processed foods are becoming the biggest selling food products around the world and are having an effect on our collective health.

Results from the research include:

China had the healthiest drinks, but the highest levels of saturated fats and sugars in food.

The UK had the healthiest levels of added sugars with Canada second.

India’s packaged foods had the most calories, while South African food products had the fewest calories.

Canada was number one for unhealthy salt levels with the US coming in close behind.

What can you do?

Eat whole foods, primarily from plants. Naturally low in salt, saturated fats and high in fibre plants fill you up and keep you healthier. Feeling hungry? Have an apple instead of a protein bar.

Read the labels. The first ingredient is the most by weight. Choose foods with fewer ingredients and ones that you can recognize.

Understand the Nutrition Facts Table. Along with the ingredient list, these are the most important pieces of information on packaged foods.

Drink water, black tea or coffee without added ingredients. New research on more than 450,000 people showed that drinking less than one sugar-sweetened or artificially sweetened drink per month lowers the risk of cardiovascular and digestive diseases.

Ignore the “health halo” – foods that seem like a good choice, but really are not. Yogurt, granola bars, breakfast cereals, fruit juice and even baby foods in Canada have added sugars. 66% of packaged foods in Canada have added sugars and with 152 ways to name sugar on labels, it is best to choose foods that don’t need a label – whole, plant-based foods.

You can make a change anytime to eat unprocessed foods. Every choice adds up to better health. Choose whole foods most of the time to reduce your intake of salt, sugar and calories.

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