You can’t hack it.

Older couple doing planks in the gym

You can’t hack your fitness.

You have to earn it.

Google “hack your fitness” or “get fit fast” or any variation on that theme, and you will get millions of results. In the latest instalment of The Top 12 Worst Thing we do to our Health hacking your fitness is a popular one.

With fitness, like many other things, you get what you put into it, but the culture of short cuts can lead to being trapped in short term thinking.

While one quick workout does result in health benefits, real fitness gains take longer than you think.

Much longer.

No, you won’t get 6 pack abs in 6 weeks, or run a 10 KM in a month unless you are already very fit.

I would love it if we had a realistic discussion about the time it takes to see a difference, but that wouldn’t sell many magazines or be an entertaining television show.

I believe that when people fail to reach their “short term” fitness goals they think they are doing the wrong exercise. Maybe, but it is possible that they have an inaccurate idea of the results they should be seeing.

You can’t hack your fitness, and if you are doing it right, you don’t want to either.

Change your mind, change your health,


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