Your Brain on Exercise

stressed neurons respond to exercise

Are you nurturing your neurons?


Neurogenesis, the production of new neurons, in the brain where we store memories can be improved with exercise. Exercise “cleans up” our brain’s environment (so does sleep, but in a different way) and allows new nerve cells to thrive.

Exercise is not only one of the best ways to turn on neurogenesis, but it also increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is like fertilizer for brain cells. It creates the environment for brain cells to flourish.

New research from Massachusetts General Hospital shows that it is not enough to “turn on” the growth of new nerve cells, you need to have the right environment to make sure that these cells survive and thrive.

Exercise does that better than any other intervention.

Worried about your brain health? Get some exercise. You can prevent and reverse the inflammation in your brain.

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