5 More Reasons

As if you needed more reasons to eat a healthy diet here are 5 facts about food in the headlines this week.

What is that?

A study conducted by Hitchcock farms, a farming business based in California, found that 39% of Americans couldn’t recognize common fruits and vegetables. You can take the test yourself here. The people who took the quiz purchased only 15% of their total weekly groceries as fruit and vegetables. Maybe more surprisingly, only 30% of people said they would eat more fruit or veggies to improve their health.

No difference.

Red and white meat are equally bad for your cholesterol. A new study from the University of California has proven that poultry is as bad for your cholesterol as beef. The researchers compared red meat, white meat, and plant proteins. Their findings will not surprise you. Plant proteins from vegetables and beans, are the healthiest choices and have a positive impact on cholesterol levels.

Too much work = weight gain.

New research in the Journal of Health Psychology has linked burnout, and mental exhaustion, with an increase in emotional eating and binge eating. Another good reason to keep healthy snacks, like fruit and vegetables at work. If you are going to overeat, make the easiest choices the best one.

Are you sitting down?

We spend too much time sitting and not enough time sitting down to eat. Your posture affects your food perceptions. A study in the Journal of Consumer Research shows that a few minutes of standing mutes taste buds. This reduces our ability to judge food consumption volume and taste. Distracted eating also changes our ability to judge how much we eat. If you are standing to eat, there is a good chance you are also distracted eating too.

The ultimate limit.

Scientists have found the limit to human endurance. Endurance is limited by how many calories you can consume and use for energy. Regardless of fitness or training, everyone reaches their limit due to the same factors. The ability of the digestive system to breakdown nutrients. The limit is 2.5 times your metabolic rate.

You can guesstimate your metabolic rate by multiplying your body weight, in pounds, by 10. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds your metabolic rate (or calorie requirement) for 24 hours is approximately 1500 calories.

The new research has found that the limiting factor in human endurance is the body’s ability to process food. How long it takes to absorb calories and nutrients for fuel.

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