Are you fit enough?

Ok, I admit that I love to exercise and I know the people in the photo above do too. We understand the benefits that come from doing one workout. Never mind the ongoing returns from a minimal investment of an hour a day.

While many people view exercise as “another thing to do” it is one thing where you get 100% of the benefits. Viewing exercise as an item on your “to-do list” often means that it is more likely to be pushed aside when things get busy.

The benefits are truly life-changing.

A single workout can improve arterial stiffness, insulin sensitivity and improve your mood. It can also reduce blood pressure and improve brain health. One exercise session improves memory and learning. These are only a few of the rewards of working up a sweat.

The rewards of regular workouts include younger DNA, smaller fat cells, better bone density, more brain cells, an improved connection between areas of the brain, better memory, learning and retention, lower stress levels, reduced depression, better appetite control, reduced cholesterol, improved mood, reduced risk of cancer.

These benefits are not age dependant. You can see improvements regardless of when you start.

Just do it and don’t stop.

Older women should exercise vigorously too.

A new study published in the European Society of Cardiology on almost 5,000 women between the ages of 50 and 75 years old adds to the list of great reasons to keep exercising.

Keep your heart healthy

Study author Dr. Jesús Peteiro, from the University Hospital A Coruña, Spain says that women should,

“Exercise as much as you can. Fitness protects against death from any cause.”

Dr. Jesús Peteiro

The study looked at women’s health because while women generally live longer than men, there is little research on how exercise and longevity are related in women.

The researchers looked at exercise capacity and heart function during exercise as well as the link with survival. They looked at women referred for a treadmill exercise echocardiography because they had, or were suspected to have coronary artery disease.

The findings?

Women with poor exercise capacity were 4 times more likely to die of cardiovascular disease or any other cause and twice as likely to die from cancer.

“Good exercise capacity predicted lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other causes.”

Dr. Jesús Peteiro

The results were the same for women whether they were over 60 years old or younger.

Exercise capacity brings life long benefits for everyone. A quick test of your exercise capacity is to run up three flights of stairs non-stop. Can’t run? Walk up four flights of stairs non-stop very fast.

Can’t do it?

Then start an exercise program before it is too late.

Need help? Send me your questions or fill out the PAR-Q to start an exercise plan that fits your life.

Change your mind, change your health,


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