Why Muscle Matters

Older couple doing pushups

Muscle plays a crucial role in our ability to age well, stay fit, and keep active. Muscle is key to maintaining our speed, coordination and balance. More muscle reduces our risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Muscle accounts for at least 50% of our body weight and yet when we restrict calories muscle loss is increased. More muscle means …

Apple Pie Vegan & High Protein Smoothie Recipe

Smoothies can be a great post-workout snack. You can pack a lot of nutrients into a glass, but also a lot of calories too. This recipe for Apple Pie Smoothies is a good recovery snack or meal. Smoothies can be good after a workout lasting more than an hour because they help refuel your muscles and keep you ready for …

Proper Care & Feeding of Your Muscle

Over the last month I have talked about the importance of muscle mass for health, longevity and to prevent disease. Use it or lose it To grow new muscle, or maintain what you have now, you need to exercise and that does mean regular strength training. But what about nutrition? That could be the most common (and misunderstood) question when …

More Muscle Makes your Heart Healthier

Physical fitness is one of the best predictors of future health. Not only aerobic fitness but muscle mass too. Especially when it comes to heart health. In a recent study of men over the age of 45, more muscle reduced their risk of developing heart disease by 81%. Muscle mass reduces inflammation, improves blood sugar control and having more muscle …

Satellite cells may be the fountain of youth

Exercise benefits every age

One more great reason to maintain your muscles. Satellite cells don’t get a lot of press. You might not even know what they are, but researchers at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute have shown how activating satellite cells through exercise improves health and longevity. Exercise keeps muscles active which maintains satellite cells. Active satellite cells maintain our muscles. It is …

More muscle matters

It has been more difficult to maintain muscle this year. With the closure of gyms and many people confined to their homes for prolonged stretches, it can be harder to stay fit. It is challenging, not impossible. It is also very important. New research from the sports scientists at Edith Cowen University in Australia emphasizes the importance of exercise and …

Do you suffer from chronic health?

If you do, congratulations! You are a member of a very exclusive group. I spent last weekend at the (virtual) American College of Lifestyle Medicine’s (ACLM) annual conference and one of the speakers asked the following question, Why do we talk about chronic disease and not chronic health? Dr. David Katz, past President ACLM Good question Would it make a …

Potato and Chickpea Soup

This soup is really easy to make and full of nutritious ingredients. It will fill you up and fuel your next adventure. Potatoes are a healthy source of carbohydrates. They are 79% water, 17% carbohydrates, 2% protein and a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, a type of legume that are high in fibre …

Old or young, eat well to live longer

There is a common misconception that when you are young you can get away with unhealthy habits and as you age you need to be more careful. While the consequences of your bad habits are not immediate, they still change your future health, regardless of your age. Younger adults may eat more fast food because it is cheap and easy, …

Why you should enjoy a Pumpkin Smoothie!

It is the season of fall flavours. One great way to enjoy the flavours of fall is with pumpkin. A member of the squash family that can be used to make many delicious and healthy snacks. Pumpkin is an excellent source of Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. This antioxidant has been shown to improve memory and cognitive function. …