The future of well-being

The beginning of a new year always brings health and fitness predictions along with various resolutions to change bad habits. Some of these predictions are simply marketing efforts dressed as the latest things you have to have. Some are based on trends and surveys from health and fitness organizations. For the month of January, I will be exploring the good …

Mental health, does it start in your guts?

You know the old saying “it is all in your head” maybe it actually starts in your guts. Your vagus nerve, the gut-brain axis, has a lot to do with how you are feeling. This nerve is a large part of our parasympathetic nervous system, the rest and digest system. As opposed to the sympathetic nervous system also known as …

5 Steps to Change for Good

There is a mistaken belief that as we age it we can’t change. Everyone, at any age, can change, if they want to. Here are five steps to make lasting change easier. No matter where you are starting from. 1. Start small. Most people start at the end and are ultimately disappointed. Have some short and medium-term goals and then …

You are the Result of Your Habits

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. A quote often mistakenly attributed to Aristotle. He said something similar but the philosopher Will Durant wrote the quote attributed to Aristotle in his book, The Story of Philosophy. What Aristotle actually said, “As it is not one swallow or a fine day that makes a …

5 things that can change your health

If you knew that you could easily change one habit that would make a difference to your health, would you do it? We make choices every day that affect our health, sometimes these choices are deliberate. But if you could make an easy choice to prevent disease would you do it? The answer is not the obvious choice Our days …

How to Easily Change a Habit

When we think about personal change we think big. Big goals should inspire big changes. Things like “I am never eating junk food again.” “I am going to go to the gym every morning or run every day.” “I will turn off my devices and go to bed early.” We do this because what we really want is to look …

How to be Motivated

motivation – noun: enthusiasm for doing something The definition of motivation doesn’t really explain how to be motivated. When we want to change we often believe that we need to get motivated. Motivation can be elusive if we don’t understand what we want. When we complain we aren’t motivated, we are not talking about what we want right now, but …

What is that meal worth to you?

How many minutes of your life is a hot dog worth? The University of Michigan evaluated over 5,800 foods, ranking them based on the impact on the environment and nutritional disease risk. The good news? Substituting as little as 10% of daily calories from beef or processed meats with fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans could reduce your carbon footprint by …

Does sitting erase the benefits of exercise?

Exercise or activity it all adds up. Even if you exercise, being sedentary is a health risk. If you sit all day long then the recommended 150 minutes a week or 30 minutes a day of exercise may not be enough. Researchers from Columbia University suggest that a 3:1 ratio of sedentary to active minutes counteracts the health risks from …

How to be a quitter

An underlying theme coming out of the last year is quitting. More people are quitting their jobs and their old habits. There are many examples such as the ones here and here and here. “Back to normal” isn’t better Quitting what doesn’t work is not failure. If we didn’t learn anything from being forced to examine our lives that would …