Fitness trackers are popular, but do they work? Yes and no. You can use fitness trackers to count your steps, monitor your sleep, take your heart rate, count calories and more. Depending on the brand they are more or less accurate. There have been studies on how fitness trackers don’t improve fitness or don’t monitor your sleep accurately, but personally …
Colour your brain healthy
Make your brain more energy efficient. A study of 65-85 year old adults revealed how much effort it takes a vegetable deprived brain to work. It was a small study, but the results could be very useful and provide another reason to eat your fruits and vegetables. When researchers virtually peered inside the brains of older adults they saw something …
Fitness Predicts Future Health
Fitness is not measured at the doctor’s office, but being unfit is a risk for many chronic diseases. Your fitness predicts health risks.
Women and Heart Failure
Attention women over 50! (Actually this is good for everyone). Get your protein from vegetables. The American Heart Association (AHA) followed over 100,000 women between the ages of 50-79 from 1993 -1998. What did they find? Women with the highest intake of meat had a significantly higher rate of heart failure than women who ate less protein or got their …
Mighty Mitochondria
Your mitochondria are amazing. They are your energy producers, the powerhouse in your muscles. You make more mitochondria the more you exercise.
It is 7 weeks until the end of 2016. November and December can be a time of overindulgence, especially if you live in the United States. In the US, Thanksgiving is close enough to Christmas to make it one long, eating season. It starts badly, with Americans reporting that they eat a couple of days worth of calories at one …
Improve your fitness with type 2 diabetes
Do you worry about your blood sugar? Have you been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? You know that exercise, endurance and strength training, helps control blood sugar? Guess what else helps? A plant based diet. Eating a plant based diet improved physical fitness, maximal performance and lung capacity, in people who have type 2 diabetes when compared to a typical …
Sleep more, eat less.
I spent the weekend with a Jack Russell puppy. Stella is super cute, but no one got enough sleep. I found myself eating dark chocolate almonds half way through the afternoon thinking about having a nap. You might recognize that feeling, when you know you should really get some rest, but you eat instead. We all feel like eating more …
A little goes a long way
More news from the Perspectives in Exercise, Health and Fitness Conference that I attended on the weekend. It was good for a number of reasons. The first, and my favourite, was the science behind the recommendations. The presenters were researchers and explained the science behind their findings. They also supplied the practical applications, how to use it, who it works …
The Cure For Everything
I spent this weekend at The Perspectives in Health and Fitness Conference. It was very good and while it was mostly about fitness, there was one idea that relates to all health, fitness or nutrition knowledge. One of my favourite health researchers presented on the influence of pop culture and health. It was very entertaining, a little distressing and very …
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