Reversing the benefits of exercise with diet

Did you know you can reverse the health benefits of exercise with your diet? Sounds incredible that all that hard work could be for nothing. It all depends on your diet. What diet? Specifically the type of protein you eat. Animal protein is not helping you recover from exercise. But don’t we need protein to recover from exercise? Sure, some …


  I am back from vacation. A two week fitness adventure. With a big technology break. I highly recommend it. The fitness adventure and the technology break. It seems we can’t go anywhere anymore without the electronic umbilical cord. The benefits of cutting the ties are worth the few anxious moments of being unreachable. Actually I found the unreachableness one …

5 ways to get to race weight

If you have a few pounds to lose and want to reach a healthy weight that is more conducive to a better athletic performance here are five tips to reach your race weight. This isn’t about losing a lot of weight, for that you need to make changes you can live with, forever. These tips aren’t the ones you normally …

Skinny Fat

Skinny fat. It’s not any healthier than being obese. What is it? Thin, but with a body composition that has a higher proportion of fat to muscle. Being thin isn’t really that great if you aren’t healthy. You know that you can’t outrun a bad diet and this is true whether you are thin or not. Being overweight isn’t good …

Eat more veggies

Eat more veggies. Only 1 in 10 Americans eats enough fruits and vegetables a day. Even with the popularity of smoothies, only 18% of Californians eat enough fruits and vegetables. 60% of Canadian’s do not eat enough fruits and vegetables.   In Britain, only 17% of the population eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. 6% of Australians eat …

Exercise therapy

I read a couple of interesting studies about muscle this week and both could have a positive effect on you. The first one was on muscle as a therapeutic treatment option. It seems that muscle repairs itself faster with exercise. Even older muscle. Now going to the gym means that you can build more muscle and that you will heal …

Eat more pasta.

Every decade there is a new low carb diet. Atkins, Zone, Dukan, South Beach and now the Low Carb High Fat Diet (LCHF) Diet. They are all basically the same, cut the carbs and by magic you will lose fat. If you eat less. The only way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories. A new study from Italy …

Is a vegetarian an “all you can eat” diet?

Eating a plant based diet revs up our metabolism, an 11% increase over meat eaters. Vegetarians consistently eat less and eat more nutrients than meat eaters, but don’t take my word for it.      

What numbers matter

What numbers matter? We measure everything. Weight, waist circumference, body fat, calories consumed, distance run, elevation gained, pounds lost, revolutions per minute. Age. That last one is a funny one. When we are young we believe we have plenty of time to get fit, lose weight, run, ride, get to the gym, improve our health and then we don’t. When …